Cosmetic Dentistry

Westland Invisalign Dentists
Pros and Cons of Invisalign® Braces
Pros and Cons of Invisalign® Braces 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

Westland Invisalign DentistsInvisalign® can straighten teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months! If you’ve ever felt self-conscious about your smile, it’s time to request an appointment with one of our Invisalign dentists.

Like the name suggests, Invisalign are nearly invisible aligners used to straighten teeth and correct your bite over time. Continue reading to learn the pros and cons of Invisalign braces.

Should You Get Invisalign?

Pros of Invisalign

  • Aligners are nearly invisible
  • No metal on your teeth
  • Removable
  • Straighten teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months
  • Eat an unrestricted diet

There are many advantages to choosing Invisalign over traditional metal braces. For example, many of our patients appreciate that Invisalign braces are subtle enough to go unnoticed by friends, family, and co-workers. If you think you would feel self-conscious with metal on your teeth, ask one of our Westland Invisalign dentists if you’re a candidate for Invisalign treatment. It’s never too late to get the smile you’ve always wanted.

Another benefit to wearing Invisalign is that it’s removable so you’re able to continue eating your favorite foods during treatment. Unlike braces, you’ll be able to eat foods that are sticky or otherwise hard to chew without the fear of ruining one of your brackets.

Cons of Invisalign

  • You must wear aligners 20 to 22 hours a day
  • Invisalign exerts pressure on teeth
  • You may need attachments

One of the drawbacks to Invisalign is that you must wear the nearly invisible aligners 20 to 22 hours a day. This means that you’ll only be able to take out your clear aligners to eat and brush your teeth. After you eat, you’ll also need to brush your teeth so you don’t stain your Invisalign clear aligners. Since Invisalign only works when the aligners are worn consistently, it’s important that patients have the willpower to complete their treatment as directed by our dentists.

Depending on the complexity of your case, you may need SmartForce® attachments on your teeth so the aligners have something to push against. In general, you won’t need these attachments if you only need to straighten a few front teeth. However, it’s important that you request a consultation with one of our Invisalign dentists so you have a better idea of what to expect.

Invisalign works by exerting pressure on your teeth to move. This means that you’ll feel slight discomfort during the first few days of wearing new aligners. However, many of our patients feel that the temporary discomfort is worth having a beautifully straight smile.

Call the Parkside Dental Team!

Still have questions about Invisalign? Request a consultation with one of our dentists to learn if Invisalign is right for you. We’d be more than happy to answer any questions you might have. We understand that Invisalign can be a big decision. Yet, we also believe that straightening teeth helps improve your oral health, as well as your self-esteem. Consulting with one of our dentists can help you determine if Invisalign is the right fit for you.

Our Invisalign dentists in Westland, MI want to help you smile with confidence. To request an appointment, call the Parkside Dental Team at (734) 261-6060.

Invisalign Dentists in Westland
Invisalign® for Teens and Adults (What to Expect)
Invisalign® for Teens and Adults (What to Expect) 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

Invisalign Dentists in WestlandIt’s a myth that only teenagers can get orthodontic treatment. The truth is that Invisalign® is more accessible than you think. With advances in technology, we’re able to treat more issues with Invisalign braces.

This means that you may not need traditional metal braces to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Instead, you may be able to wear clear aligners that are more comfortable and discreet.

Our Invisalign dentists in Westland, MI are ready to help you start smiling with confidence!

Continue reading to learn why you may be the perfect candidate for Invisalign braces. We’ll also tell you what teenage and adult patients can expect.

Invisalign for Adults & Teens


Teenagers can wear Invisalign braces, as long as they have all their adult teeth. Our teenage patients must also be able to wear their Invisalign trays at least 20 to 22 hours a day. This means that you should only take out your clear aligners to eat, drink, brush, and floss.

It’ll take longer to straighten your teeth if you don’t wear your aligners as directed. Invisalign works by exerting pressure on your teeth to move. Yet, your clear aligners can’t do this if they’re sitting in their case all day. The less you wear your aligners, the more likely you won’t be able to enjoy your new smile by the original time frame.

In the past, our Invisalign dentists had to rely on the patient’s word to learn if they were wearing their aligners. Today, we can check the blue “compliance indicator” dot on your aligners. If you wear your aligners at least 20 hours a day, the dot should fade. Otherwise, the visible blue dot will let us know you haven’t been compliant. This is one of the ways we encourage teens to wear their Invisalign braces as directed.


Unlike teenagers, adults tend to be more motivated to wear clear aligners. This is because they’re often paying for their own orthodontic treatment. Adults also know how a smile can affect first impressions, such as on job interviews or first dates. Our dentists may recommend Invisalign if you don’t want metal on your teeth. Many of our adult patients appreciate how Invisalign is discreet, yet effective.

Mature Adults

It’s never too late to get the smile you’ve always wanted. In fact, many of our Invisalign patients are mature adults. Our dentists have long recognized the value of making patients feel comfortable. This is why they take the time to answer any questions our older patients might have about Invisalign. We want to make sure adults don’t feel self-conscious about seeking orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign can be great for patients with gum disease. This is because Invisalign straightens teeth, making it easier to brush and floss. Invisalign is also removal so you can maintain your oral hygiene routine. Unlike traditional metal braces, you don’t have to clean around wires and brackets.

While your bones have stopped growing, we’re still able to move teeth with Invisalign. There’s no reason why you have to live with a smile that makes you feel embarrassed. Call today to request a consultation with one of our Invisalign dentists.

Our Invisalign dentists in Westland, MI can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted with clear aligners. To request an appointment, call the Parkside Dental Team at (734) 261-6060.

Westland, MI Dentists Invisalign
How Long Do I Need to Wear Retainers After Invisalign®?
How Long Do I Need to Wear Retainers After Invisalign®? 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

Westland, MI Dentists InvisalignDid you know that many Invisalign® patients have already worn traditional metal braces? These patients need teeth straightening again because they didn’t consistently wear their retainers.

You must wear your retainer as directed by our Invisalign dentists for the rest of your life. Otherwise, your teeth will shift back to their original positions before you wore Invisalign braces.

Continue reading to learn how often you’ll need to wear retainers after Invisalign.

Do I Need a Retainer After Invisalign?

Yes, you’ll need to wear a retainer after Invisalign treatment. Even though Invisalign moves teeth differently from braces, the result is still the same. You’ll need to wear retainers after any kind of teeth straightening.

What Can I Expect the First Few Months After Invisalign?

Your teeth are partly held in place by surrounding jawbone. During Invisalign treatment, your jawbone would have softened or disappeared (a process called resorption) so teeth could move into their final positions.

Once you stop wearing Invisalign, you need to wear orthodontic retainers so your teeth are held in place while new bone is deposited. It takes about 9 to 12 months for your body to build up enough bone to stabilize teeth.

What Can I Expect 12 Months After Invisalign?

Once 12 months have passed, you should have enough new bone deposited around your teeth to keep them stable. For this reason, you won’t have to wear your orthodontic retainers as frequently to maintain your beautifully straight smile. Our dentists may recommend only wearing your retainers 3 to 5 times a week.

While your teeth won’t move as dramatically once the jawbone regains bone tissue, they will slightly move forward and inward as you get older. This change isn’t something you notice overnight, but rather something that gradually happens over decades.

What Should I Do If I Lose My Retainer?

If you lose your retainer, just call our office to schedule an appointment. Whether you accidentally threw out your retainer on your lunch tray or the dog ate it, we can get you fitted for a new retainer as soon as possible so you don’t lose the progress you made with orthodontic treatment. During your appointment, we’ll take impressions of your teeth to create a new retainer.

Will I Really Have to Wear a Retainer Forever?

Once you’re done with Invisalign treatment, we can understand the reluctance you may feel to wear yet another oral appliance. (We promise we’re not trying to torture you.) However, it’s important that you wear your retainer as directed by our Invisalign dentists. Otherwise, your teeth will gradually shift to their original positions.

While you may not see your teeth moving at first, the changes become more noticeable over time. For example, your retainer may feel tight and uncomfortable if you haven’t worn it for a few days. Your retainers will fit for as long as you consistently wear them.

It’s normal for your teeth to slightly shift after having your Invisalign braces removed or once you stop wearing Invisalign. This is the result of everyday wear and tear on your teeth as you bite down, chew, swallow, and speak. The retainer is designed to prevent noticeable changes so you can maintain a beautiful smile.

Our Invisalign dentists in Westland, MI can straighten your teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months. Ask if you’re a candidate for Invisalign braces during your next visit with us. To request an appointment, call to Parkside Dental Team at (734) 261-6060.

Dentures & Dental Implants Dentist Westland, MI
Pros and Cons of Dentures vs. Dental Implants
Pros and Cons of Dentures vs. Dental Implants 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

Dentures & Dental Implants Dentist Westland, MIUnsure if you should get dentures or dental implants? You’ve come to the right place. We understand that it can be difficult to smile, eat, and talk with confidence after tooth loss.

Not to mention, missing teeth can affect your overall oral health. This is why our Westland, MI dentists offer both dentures and dental implants. Contact us today with any additional questions or concerns.

Continue reading to learn the pros and cons of both of these tooth replacement options. We’ll also tell you if you’re a likely candidate for the dental implant procedure.

Dentures Vs. Dental Implants


Dentures are an oral appliance made to look and function like natural teeth. Depending on the extent of tooth loss, our dentists may recommend a full or partial denture. While a full denture replaces an entire arch of teeth, a partial denture only replaces a few teeth. We can help you explore the different types of dentures available, including partial, complete, conventional, and immediate dentures.

Dentures sit on top of your gums and must be removed before you go to sleep so your gums have a chance to recover. When you’re not wearing your dentures, they’ll need to be submerged in a glass of water or denture cleanser so they don’t dry out, crack, and warp.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root (typically made of titanium) that’s placed in your jaw to later support a crown. Many patients appreciate that dental implants look and function like natural teeth. This means that you’ll be able to continue eating your favorite foods without worrying about slipping dentures. Take care of your dental implants like you would natural teeth by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing once daily.

Are Dental Implants Better Than Dentures?

While dentures are more affordable than dental implants, they don’t solve the problem of jawbone deterioration. As soon as your body detects a missing tooth, it’ll start to absorb the minerals in your jaw to use elsewhere. Once this happens, the area of the jaw where the tooth root used to be weakens and deteriorates. Teeth adjacent to the gap will also start to tilt toward the open space. Eventually, the patient may experience facial collapse, which alters the shape of the face and makes it difficult to wear dentures.

The best way to prevent further tooth loss and jawbone deterioration is to ask our dentists if you’re a candidate for the dental implant procedure. In general, we recommend dental implants whenever possible so patients can avoid long-term health issues caused by missing teeth.

Can I Get Dental Implants?

You’re a candidate for the dental implant procedure if you have healthy gum tissue and sufficient bone density in your jaw to place the implant. For successful osseointegration, there has to be enough jawbone tissue to support the titanium dental implant that’s placed in your jawbone. Our dental implant dentists will be able to determine if you’re a likely candidate for the dental implant procedure. Even if you’re not a candidate for dental implants, we can help you explore your other tooth replacement options.

Our dental implant dentists in Westland, MI are ready to help you restore your smile after tooth loss. They offer a range of tooth replacement options, including dentures and dental implants. To request an appointment, call the Parkside Dental Team at (734) 261-6060.

Westland, MI Invisalign Dentists
How Long Do I Need to Wear Invisalign®?
How Long Do I Need to Wear Invisalign®? 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

Westland, MI Invisalign DentistsInvisalign® are nearly invisible aligners we can use to straighten your teeth. If you’ve ever felt embarrassed of your smile, request an appointment with one of our Invisalign dentists in Westland, MI.

They’ll be able to determine if you’re a candidate for Invisalign braces. Continue reading to learn how long you’ll need to wear Invisalign to achieve your dream smile.

The average patient can straighten teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months!

How Long Should You Wear Invisalign?

Since Invisalign is removable, you’ll need to have enough self-discipline to wear them between 20 and 22 hours a day. Continue reading to learn what else you can expect while wearing Invisalign braces.

What happens if you only wear Invisalign at night?

You need to wear your Invisalign braces between 20 and 22 hours a day. Otherwise, your teeth won’t move according to schedule. While you may feel some slight discomfort when you first wear Invisalign, it’s important that you continue wearing your teeth aligners as directed by our dentists. Otherwise, you won’t be able to make progress as quickly as you’d like.

Can I eat or drink with Invisalign in?

No, you can’t eat or drink anything other than water while wearing Invisalign. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign braces are removable so you can continue eating your favorite foods during treatment. This means that you won’t have to stay away from foods that are hard to chew, like caramel. However, it’s important that you brush your teeth after eating so you don’t stain your Invisalign clear aligners.

How long does it take Invisalign to straighten teeth?

The average Invisalign treatment takes between 12 and 18 months. However, each patient is different, which is why it’s important to schedule an appointment with one of our Invisalign dentists. The length of your treatment will depend on many factors, including how consistently you wear your teeth aligners and the severity of your case. For example, you may need to wear Invisalign braces for longer if you need to correct a slight overbite.

Do I need to wear a retainer forever?

Once you’ve completed Invisalign treatment, we can understand the reluctance you may feel to wear yet another oral appliance. (We promise we’re not trying to torture you.) However, it’s important that you wear your retainer as directed by our Invisalign dentists. Otherwise, your teeth will gradually shift to their original positions.

While you may not see your teeth moving at first, the changes become more noticeable over time. For example, your retainer may feel tight and uncomfortable if you haven’t worn it for a few days. Your retainers will fit for as long as you consistently wear them.

It’s normal for your teeth to slightly shift once you stop wearing Invisalign braces. This is the result of everyday wear and tear on your teeth as you bite down, chew, swallow, and speak. The retainer is designed to prevent noticeable changes so you can maintain a beautiful smile.

Our Invisalign dentists in Westland, MI want to help you achieve your best smile with clear aligners. To request an appointment, call the Parkside Dental Team at (734) 261-6060.

Teeth Whitening Dentists in Westland, MI
Don’t Believe These 3 Natural Teeth Whitening Myths
Don’t Believe These 3 Natural Teeth Whitening Myths 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

Teeth Whitening Dentists in Westland, MIDon’t believe everything you see on social media. For example, there are myths about natural teeth whitening that can actually wear away tooth enamel.

The answer to keeping your smile white may be simpler (and less trendier) than you think. Continue reading to see what home remedies for teeth whitening we’ve debunked. Our teeth whitening dentists in Westland, MI are ready to help!

Teeth Whitening Myths

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a black powder made of peat, olive pits, coconut shells, slowly burned wood, and other natural ingredients. However, it’s important to remember that “natural” doesn’t always mean healthy. For example, tobacco is natural and known to cause lung cancer. Activated charcoal hasn’t been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the American Dental Association for teeth whitening.

There’s no scientific evidence proving activated charcoal is safe or effective for teeth whitening. In fact, using abrasive scrubs can actually wear away the protective outer layer of your teeth and reveal the yellow dentin beneath. Once this happens, your teeth will actually look yellower, not whiter. You want to whiten your tooth enamel, not scrub it away.

Lemon Juice and Baking Soda

While eating fruit is good for your health, you should never allow acidic fruit juice to sit on your teeth for prolonged periods of time. The acid in lemons and other fruits can wear away the outer layer of your teeth (enamel). Enamel not only makes your teeth appear white, but protects the sensitive layer of dentin underneath. Once you wear away the enamel, you’re more vulnerable to tooth sensitivity and decay.

It’s a myth that you can safely whiten teeth with lemon juice and baking soda. Unlike toothpaste, baking soda is abrasive and will wear away your tooth enamel over time. Likewise, lemon juice is too acidic to sit on the surface of your teeth. You’re much better off using fluoridated toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association to strengthen enamel and whiten teeth.

Since lemons are highly acidic, it’s difficult to know how much baking soda is needed to cancel out the acidity of the lemon juice. Rather than risking your oral health, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment with one of our teeth whitening dentists to learn how to safely whiten teeth.

Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is the practice of swishing a teaspoon of edible oil (typically coconut) around your mouth to achieve white teeth. While proponents claim that oil pulling helps remove the bacteria responsible for plaque and tartar, there’s currently no evidence to support this theory. While anecdotes can be compelling, they don’t replace scientific evidence.

It’s important to understand that many factors affect teeth whitening, such as smoking, eating staining foods, and neglecting oral health. While it may appear that oil pulling helps whiten teeth, the difference could be due to something simpler like reducing how much coffee you drink.

What’s the Best Way to Whiten Teeth?

It’s much easier than you think to maintain healthy white teeth. The American Dental Association recommends you brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily. You should also see one of our Westland, MI dentists for teeth cleanings and oral examinations at least every 6 months. Following these recommendations will help remove plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth, which helps you keep a white smile.

Limit coffee, tea, and other staining foods that could dull your smile. You should also avoid using tobacco products to avoid staining your teeth over time. In the end, good oral hygiene habits make the best home remedies for whitening teeth.

We understand the appeal of whitening your teeth from the comfort of your own home, which is why we often recommend custom teeth whitening trays for our patients. Unlike abrasive scrubs you can concoct in your kitchen, custom whitening trays have been proven to effectively whiten teeth without destroying your enamel. We also offer Zoom teeth whitening in our office. Zoom whitening gives you a noticeably whiter smile in one appointment.

Our teeth whitening dentists in Westland, MI are ready to help you achieve your best smile. To request an appointment for professional teeth whitening, call the Parkside Dental Team at .

Invisalign Dentists in Westland, MI
Can Older People Get Invisalign®?
Can Older People Get Invisalign®? 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

Invisalign Dentists in Westland, MIYou don’t have to be a teenager to be a candidate for Invisalign®. Even if you’re a mature adult, we’re able to straighten teeth in as little as 12 to 18 months with Invisalign braces.

While your treatment may take longer, the result will be worth the wait. Continue reading to learn why older adults are often perfect candidates for Invisalign. Our Invisalign dentists in Westland, MI are ready to help!

Invisalign for Older Adults

Here’s why adults often make better patients than teenagers:

  • Adults are more motivated
  • Adults don’t take their health for granted
  • Adults listen to their dentists
  • Adults practice better oral hygiene

Adults Are More Motivated

Have you ever covered your smile in a group photo? Do you feel self-conscious about your teeth when meeting people for the first time? Your smile affects not only your oral health, but your confidence. Adults understand the value of a beautiful healthy smile. This is why they’re often more motivated to wear their Invisalign braces 20 to 22 hours a day.

Adult Don’t Take Their Health for Granted

It’s easy to take good oral health for granted. Yet, adults tend to have enough life experience to know that oral health is important. They know how cavities can form between crowded teeth or how gum disease can lead to tooth loss. Teenagers haven’t lived long enough to experience the long-term consequences of crooked teeth. As a result, they’re often not as motivated to wear their clear aligners.

Plaque loves to hide where toothbrush bristles can’t reach, like between crooked teeth. Over time, this plaque increases your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Plaque can also harden into tartar, which you can’t remove at home. Instead, one of our dentists or dental hygienists will need to remove plaque from your teeth and gums. Invisalign straightens teeth so it’s easier for you to care for your smile.

Adults Listen To Their Dentists

You’ll need to wear your Invisalign braces 20 to 22 hours a day. Otherwise, your teeth won’t move like our Invisalign dentists planned. Your clear aligners only work as long as you’re wearing them.

Only remove your clear aligners to eat, drink, brush, and floss. If your Invisalign spends more time in its container than in your mouth, you won’t get the fast results you want. Instead, your teeth still stay where they are or even revert back to their crooked state.

Adults often do well with Invisalign because they’re more likely to follow instructions. In fact, reading this blog post means you’re taking your Invisalign treatment seriously.

Adults Practice Better Oral Hygiene

You’ll need to brush your teeth after eating so you don’t stain your clear aligners. Yet, teenagers are more likely to skip brushing their teeth to rush to their next class or hang out with friends. While adults tend to have busier lives, they’re also more likely to make time for oral hygiene. That way, they’re able to maintain a healthy smile during Invisalign treatment.

Our Invisalign dentists in Westland, MI are ready to help you achieve your dream smile. To request an appointment, call the Parkside Dental Team at (734) 261-6060.

Westland MI Dental Crowns Dentist
What Happens During a Dental Crown Procedure?
What Happens During a Dental Crown Procedure? 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

Westland MI Dental Crowns DentistLike the name suggests, a dental crown covers the entire visible portion of your tooth above the gum line. In other words, it “crowns” the top of your tooth.

Porcelain crowns can significantly improve the appearance of your smile, which help improve self-esteem and oral health. One of our dentists in Westland may recommend a dental crown to strengthen a fragile tooth so you can eat, smile, and talk with confidence.

Continue reading to learn why our dentists may recommend porcelain crowns, as well as what you can expect during the dental crown procedure.

What Does a Dental Crown Do?

A dental crown restores a tooth’s strength and appearance by covering the visible portion above the gums. For this reason, a dental crown looks a lot like a “tooth cap” and is used to cover a tooth that is decayed, broken, or discolored.

One of our dentists may recommend porcelain crowns to treat:

  • Cracked teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Decayed teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Misshapen teeth

If you notice any of the above issues in your own smile, schedule an appointment with one of our cosmetic dentists as soon as possible. One of our dentists can determine your eligibility for the dental crown procedure and set up the next steps of your treatment plan.

Dental Crown Procedure

A dental crown only requires two trips to our office. During your first visit, one of our dentists will examine your teeth to see if they are strong enough to support a dental crown. If your teeth pass inspection, one of our dentists will begin to file and prep your tooth so the dental crown will be able to easily fit over top.

Next, our dentists will want to take impressions of your teeth to send to a lab. The lab will be responsible for making a custom tooth crown to match the rest of your smile. In the meantime, one of our dentists will place a temporary crown on top of your tooth to tide you over.

When you return to our office, the temporary crown will be removed and replaced with a permanent one. First, we’ll make sure that your new dental crown matches the color and shape of the rest of your teeth. When we’re satisfied with how your porcelain crown looks, it’ll be bonded to your tooth. Once the dental crown procedure is complete, you’ll be able to enjoy your new smile for years to come.

If you are experiencing serious dental discomfort, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with one of our dentists as soon as possible. Many dental issues can be fixed with a new tooth crown, so be sure to consult with one of our dentists about your treatment options.

Our dentists will do everything they can to protect your oral health, including cap a fragile tooth with a dental crown. To schedule an appointment with one of our dental crown dentists in Westland MI, call the Parkside Dental Team at (734) 261-6060.

What Happens During Zoom Teeth Whitening Dentist Westland MI
What Happens During Zoom Teeth Whitening?
What Happens During Zoom Teeth Whitening? 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

What Happens During Zoom Teeth Whitening Dentist Westland MIZoom teeth whitening can give you the smile you’ve always wanted in less than an hour. If you haven’t found success with over-the-counter toothpaste, trays, and strips, we recommend you schedule an appointment for professional teeth whitening in our office.

Our teeth whitening dentists can whiten your teeth by up to eight shades in one appointment. If you would like more information contact us!

Zoom Whitening Procedure Steps

Zoom teeth whitening has been clinically proven to whiten teeth by up to eight shades in one appointment. The Zoom teeth whitening procedure takes about 45 minutes, but is broken up into three 15-minute sessions.

During your Zoom whitening procedure, we will:

  1. Cover your lips and gums so they’re protected from whitening gel.
  2. Apply Zoom whitening gel to your teeth.
  3. Activate whitening gel with UV light.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for three sessions
  5. Apply a special fluoride gel to teeth to reduce sensitivity.
  6. Give you a teeth whitening kit to take home.

Consultation with Teeth Whitening Dentist

If you have ever felt self-conscious about tooth discoloration, you owe it to yourself to speak with a cosmetic dentist. Your dentist will be able to tell you if you are a candidate for Zoom teeth whitening. While most people qualify for Zoom whitening, your dentist may be concerned if you have a history of tooth sensitivity or gum disease. For example, patients with periodontal disease may want to reconsider professional teeth whitening techniques that could irritate their gums.

Zoom Whitening Procedure

First, your dentist or dental hygienist will cover your lips and gums to protect them from the whitening gel. Once your mouth is ready, the Zoom whitening gel will be applied to your teeth and activated with a UV light. The whitening gel contains hydrogen peroxide, which oxidizes under the UV light and lifts tooth stains.

The Zoom teeth whitening procedure takes about 45 minutes, but is broken up into three 15-minute sessions. After each session, more whitening gel will be added to your teeth before the UV light is turned back on. During the sessions, you may feel free to relax or listen to music to pass the time. After you have completed the third session, a special fluoride gel is applied to your teeth to reduce sensitivity.

During the Zoom whitening procedure, you may experience what we call “zingers”. Zingers are brief flashes of pain that happen when the nerves in your teeth react to the whitening process. This pain can continue even after you leave the office, which is why we may give our patients ibuprofen to take afterwards.

If you experience pain during the dental treatment, please do not hesitate to alert your dentist or dentist assistant. You have the power to stop the procedure at any time if you feel the pain is too much. Different people have different pain tolerances, which is why we typically don’t recommend Zoom teeth whitening for patients with sensitive teeth.

Teeth Whitening at Home

After your appointment, you will be given a kit that contains custom teeth whitening trays. The teeth whitening trays are for you to use at home so you can maintain your beautifully white smile. Your teeth whitening dentist will also ask you to stay away from foods and beverages that can stain your teeth, such as coffee and red wine. For the rest of the day, you may experience brief flashes of pain that can be managed with ibuprofen.

Our teeth whitening dentists in Westland MI want to help you achieve your best smile. To request Zoom teeth whitening in our office, call the Parkside Dental Team at (734) 261-6060.

How to Care for Invisalign Clear Aligners Dentist Westland MI
How to Care for Invisalign Teeth Aligners
How to Care for Invisalign Teeth Aligners 700 500 Cosmetic Dentists | Parkside Dental Team

How to Care for Invisalign Clear Aligners Dentist Westland MIThink you would feel self-conscious of metal braces? Unlike other types of orthodontic treatment, Invisalign®️are nearly invisible aligners you wear over your teeth.

Since Invisalign is removable, you’re able to continue eating your favorite foods and maintain your oral hygiene routine. If you would like more information about invisalign, don’t hesitate to contact us.

To learn how to care for your Invisalign teeth aligners, continue reading. To learn more about how to straighten teeth without braces, call (734) 261-6060 to request a consultation with one of our Invisalign dentists.

Invisalign Take Home Instructions

We recommend using the Invisalign cleaning system to clean your aligners, which uses crystals to remove plaque in about 15 minutes. You may also brush your aligners with toothpaste under lukewarm water.

Follow our list of Invisalign take home instructions below:

  • Brush and floss after meals.
  • Avoid staining drinks.
  • Store clear aligners in their case.
  • Wear your aligners 20 to 22 hours a day.

Brush and Floss after Meals

Brush and floss your teeth after eating to avoid staining yourclear aligners. While this may seem like an inconvenience, it’s better than allowing your aligners to get yellow and smelly. Food particles left behind in your aligners will give you bad breath and the incentive to take better care of your smile during orthodontic treatment.

Avoid Staining Drinks

Certain drinks like coffee and red wine will stain clear aligners, not to mention your teeth. If you can’t survive without your morning cup of coffee, we recommend removing your aligners before drinking. Once you’re done drinking coffee, brush your teeth to avoid staining your aligners. While this may seem extreme, it’s important that you keep your aligners clean and free of bacteria.

Many of our patients appreciate that Invisalign is subtle enough to go unnoticed by family members, friends, and co-workers. However, there’s no point in wearing Invisalign if you let them get yellow over time. Our Invisalign dentists can give you more tips for how to adopt a healthy oral hygiene routine during clear aligner treatment.

Store Clear Aligners in Their Case

When your aligners aren’t in your mouth, they should be resting in the case your dentist gave you. When you take out your teeth aligners to eat, make sure that you place the aligners in their special case and not in a napkin.

Too many patients have accidently thrown out their aligners because they were wrapped in napkins or sitting on lunch trays. Don’t let this be you. No one wants to dig through a public trash can because they threw out theirInvisalign braces.

Clear aligners are custom-made to fit the contours of your teeth and gums. However, you could risk crushing or bending your aligners out of shape if you store them in your pocket, purse, or anywhere else besides their case.

Wear Your Aligners

One of the safest places for your aligners is in your mouth. In order forInvisalign to work, you need to wear your clear aligners 20 to 22 hours per day. You should only remove your clear aligners when you need to eat or brush your teeth. Otherwise, your teeth won’t move according to schedule.

When you get a new set of aligners from your dentist, you’ll feel pressure on your teeth for the first few days. This pressure is a sign that the aligners are moving your teeth into optimal alignment. For the pain, we recommend taking over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Motrin.

We offer Invisalign as a teeth straightening alternative to metal braces. To schedule your consultation with one of our Invisalign dentists in Westland MI, call the Parkside Dental Team at (734) 261-6060.

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